Thursday, October 25, 2012

pretty picture time :)

time for pretty pictures before i go to bed!








kay night guys. gotta sleep.

[all pics via weheartit]



Friday, October 19, 2012

thoughts, memories, winter and bunnys.

the renovation is complete! yay hard work!

i put up a poll on the side where you can vote and tell me what you think. its completely anonymous as well so i cant track down who voted what. (just putting that out there)

anyways, i am currently in a state of slight confusion. no, not confusion. im just a little removed right now. kinda pensive and more observing than experiencing. yeah.

my plans for the rest of the night consist of going home, making a big bowl of popcorn, and then reading and talking to Patti if i get a chance and her internet stops derping.

im currently in love with this song...

and im kinda obsessed with indie music right now. anything a little bit haunting, a little bit morose.

i miss maple ridge and vernon. the people and the area. ive discovered i love anonymity. the feeling of walking down a street and not bumping into anyone that you know or that knows you. i like that. it makes it easy to relax.

i went so many beautiful places this summer. i saw a waterfall in a huge canyon. i saw a town nestled into the mountains. where the air was sweet and the view was breathtaking. i saw foggy mornings and silent nights. i swam in a hot spring surrounded by mountains and forest. i sat under a huge tree in Jasper and watched people walk by and trains go by and clouds drift lazily around the mountain sky. i swam in a freezing lake on an insanely hot day. it was a summer of doing but a summer of being.

its time for the snow to fall. and fall it will. but im ready for it to do just that.

and when those days arrive i'll be happy. happy to don my scarfs and gloves. happy to brew my tea and snack on caramel popcorn. to snuggle underneath a blanket with a book to read and time to spare. to just be content. to get cold toes and to take warm baths.

i need to go home now. night lovelys.

drink tea,
eat popcorn,
get a big blonde bunny and name it Thor.

[yes, thats a new aspiration of mine]



guess what time it isssssss!?!?!?!?

blog makeover time!!!!!!!!!!

soooooo for the next couple hours i am going to be completely renovating my baby. this is the explanation for you if you come on and it looks horrible. ITS JUST TEMPORARY!!!!

ok once im done ill let y'all know and then ill probably put up a poll and see what you think. 

kay be back later!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

today, today.

hey guys,

sorry i havent been around the past couple days, ive been a little side-tracked by tumblr :p so yes. im back now.

hmm. dont really have anything to talk about. except tom hiddleston. and his voice. which is perfect. like.. gah. yes.


ive started the math section of my work this week. rawr. so thats another reason if i dont have good, long, quality posts quite as much.

AAAAHHH can i start this over? k thanks.

today was long. and kind of... hmm. i dont know. just LONG. i feel ready for the weekend. but one consolation is that today is tuesday, so i can talk to patti tonight. *yay!*

guys im so sorry this has been so pathetic but i have to run now. please take a moment and participate in the poll on the side here though! (even though ive pretty much made up my mind to go red)

ok, thanks and seriously, SO sorry. i swear ill make a better post really really soon.

i love you for putting up with me.



learn russian,
love the avengers,
watch The Hollow Crown

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Avengers Appreciation Post


that should hold you for now. if not, contact me. i can set you up with the right people. 

watch avengers
blog about the avengers
love the avengers


Friday, October 5, 2012

lovely, lovely days.

So lately ive been longing for a bit of old fashioned. Dresses and tea time. The music, the fashion, the radio's. It was all so much more... lovely. Siblings fought over which program to listen to. Not who's turn it was on the computer or wii. Girls didnt have to chase boys, because the boys chased them. The theme of everything was sweet and classy. Demure. Charming. I just want to slip back to those days for awhile. Listen to records. Put on lipstick and pretty dresses and stockings. Spend forever on the phone. Curl my hair and go to movies with my friends. It would just be so much more simple. 



see what i mean? lovely. and now, my dears. i must depart. until next time...


drink tea,
listen to 40's music,
have yourself a loverly day.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's a new day

"it might not look like a beautiful sunrise, but it's a new day. Oh baby it's a new day" 

New Day -Robbie Seay Band 

It's a new day. The dawn is finally on the horizon. After all this time, all these months, the night is drawing to an end. And I can see the sun and it feels amazing. After spending so long in the dark, you see the light for what it truly is. A miracle. 

Today was incredible. And I just feel like laughing. And smiling and being joyful. I'm so so happy. When you struggle with something for so long, you forget what it is to really be joyful. And when you feel it again it's indescribable. That's how I feel. I almost can't believe it's really happening. I feel like I'm dreaming. And any second ill wake up and this will be just a dream that I'll forget. But I'm not dreaming. It's real. The shivers I feel are real. The ones I only get when it's a God-thing. The smiles that I'm so free with now are real. I feel hope again. Real hope. Not partial hope or wishful hope. Raw, untouchable, hope. 

I had my breakthrough. I found what I needed to find. In the most.. Unusual and wonderful way. I did it. But not alone. I can't do everything alone. I can try, but it won't work. 

All I know is now I have peace and hope. Now I can go lie down and cuddle under my blankets. I can turn on my music. Close my eyes. And sleep. And wake up joyful. 

My lovelys, I have just one thing to say about all this. About tribulation turned to triumph. Sorrow turned to joy. Darkness turned to dawn. And that is this,

Pink is involved. 

My last post? Yea, that was supposed to be posted  yesterday. Just so you know. ...


she said he looked sad.

we walked away from seeing him and thats her impression. i dont know, maybe i saw it too. was that what his expression was? that sort of gaze, past who he was talking to, to me? that face, the same, but not lit up with the typical smile. is that what sadness looks like? staring eyes. making me feel uncomfortable. like he was looking past just my eyes to whats inside? to my thoughts, to what i was feeling. he looked confused. i understand that. 

it hurt. seeing him like that. and knowing i felt the same way. seeing both of us confused, hurting, sad. about the same thing, but nothing we could talk about together. i feel sad too, thinking about it. i know hes confused because of me. because i just... stopped. all of a sudden. stopped really being his friend. its like one of my favorite songs, "there's water in your eyes and i know im the reason that its there. but still i dont feel bad because i know that you have more to spare." thats sort of how i felt. not that i thought he would cry over me. just, ok. if you dont want to make an effort i wont.

That wasn't the only reason though. i liked him. and I couldn't tell him. and I was pushing everyone away so they couldn't hurt me. he didn't know it, but he was hurting me. i couldn't just continue acting like everything was ok. I couldnt act happy for him when he talked about his girlfriend anymore. so I took the cowards way out and i ran away. and I hated it and now I'm sad too. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012

Starting time~ 8:06 pm

Mood~ thinky (i have officially sanctioned this a word), sad, pensive

Outside my window~ a dark cold night

I'm thinking~about a situation about to happen that i dont really know what to do with.

I'm currently reading~ nothing right now but im WATCHING The Avengers :D

I'm listening to~ music -.- no, sorry, that was sarcastic :p ummm random youtube stuff and my mom and grandmother conversing on the other couch.

I'm wearing~ sweat pants and a grey t-shirt (im so creative these days with my wardrobe...)

I'm looking forward to~ the weekend. school being over. 

I'm hoping~ my older and wiser sister can assist me with my current dilemma. 

Yesterday I~ did school work. 

I'm hungry for~ eh. i could go for fries.

The song stuck inside my head is~ Wish You Were Here -Avril Lavigne

I love~ music, new laptops to discover and fiddle with. 

I loathe~ not knowing what to do in certain situations, awkward, doing things you didnt want to do.. and then having it not be good. JUST like you predicted. but no going back -.-

This week, my goal is~ survive. without making an idiot out of myself

Did I meet last week's goal? didnt have one last time. 

Ending time~ 8:58