Sunday, October 9, 2011

hey :)

hullo again flowercakes,

i know im a terrible person for not blogging for so long but im sooorrrryyy :( the meanie ppl whos internet wasnt locked, locked it -.- and since my family duznt hav internet yet, i can only blog @ my grandparents or wherever i take my laptop. so im sorry :(

but im back! :) blogging called me. and speaking of things calling me, i have a secreeett! but im not goona tell u wat it is now :) you'll just have to wait.

i went to see a movie the other day! its called "The Help" and you can read all about it here.

so anyways, heres a quizy thingy :) please feel free to copy it on your own blog. well here goes!

1. High heels or boots? boots. its all about the comfort :) 
2. What time did you get up this morning? around 7:46...which isnt so smart cuz school starts at 8:30 accross town but...yea.

3. What was the last movie you saw at the theater? The Help.
4. What is your maiden name? umm. i still have my maiden name :P not quite married yet xD (but how many 14 year olds do you know that are???)
5. What is your favorite T.V. Show? Reba :) the best show EVER.
6. What do you usually have for breakfast? nothing. i get sick if i eat in the mornings so i only eat breakfast on the weekends after ive been up for a few hours. i know. im wierd. 

7. What is your middle name? Lee
8. What food do you dislike? brussel sprouts, and anything asian-y :( im sorry! and i dont mean to sound racist at ALL i just dont like that kinda thing.

9. What is your favorite CD at the moment? *coff* Sorry for Party Rocking *COFF*
10. What characteristic do you despise? people who act like theyre your best friend but then you know theyre gossiping about you behind yur back, and people who take gym class WAY to serriously and if your on their team they scream at you for the TINIEST mistakes and then if u lose they just get more and more aggravating until yur so pissed off at them you wanna march over to them (you ARE taller then them) and glare at them and tell them if they dont shut the freaking h**** up yur goona MAKE them.

11. Favorite clothing? hmm... well i love skirts right now. just cuz theyre so darn COMFY. but a favourite clothing item i hav is prob my black mini skirt :)
12. Anywhere in the world on vacation? mmmm New York City :D shopping, partying, and anything else you can think of :D
13. Are you an organized person? ya. my room doesnt always LOOK like it, but i do like being organized.
14. Where would you like to retire to?  a farm somewhere in Alberta.
15. What was your most recent memorable birthday? umm. i havent really had a party since i turned lik, 8. so....idk???

16. What are you going to do when you finish this? go shopping with Patti :)
17. Furthest place you have ever been to? B.C i suppose.... or Saskatchewan. Whichevers further :P
18. Person you wish you could meet? umm...

19. When is your birthday? August 4th
20. Are you a morning person or a night person? night. i can stay up ALL night. but sometimes im a total morning person. so both :)
21. What is your shoe size? 11 in womens and lik, 9 in mens (which im currently wearing) i think ima  
22. Do you own any animals? yup :) a black mini rex rabbit and a blue betta fish :)

23. Any news you'd like to share? umm....n.rlly??? 
24. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? a princess :)  
25. What is your favorite flower? silver bells :)  
26. What day on the calendar are you looking forward to? December 25th and May 23-25 :) Christmas and YC 
27. If you were a crayon, what would you be? right now? yellow :) iz happy.

28. How is the weather right now? urm... just a sec...4 degrees. partly cloudy. supposed to drop to 1. 
29. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My Grandma Vi :) and now me and my mom are at her house.

30. Favorite drink? ice tea, tea, milk, cranberry juice, apple juice, orange juice, punch, coffee, yea :) i like drinks. 
31. Favorite Restaurant? hmm... i love Dennys, Boston Pizza's kid meals are great XD, and The Swiss Bear is delish :) ohyea, and The Globe was pree cool :)

32. Hair color? Golden Brown. Like this girls hair...

33. What was your favorite toy as a child? my dollhouse, my cabbage patch kids dolls, and my furreal friends :) yea. i was a cool kid.  
34. Spring, summer, fall, or winter? Winter. And i love Summer.
35. Chocolate or vanilla? BOTH! haha. it depends.

36. Coffee or tea? love em both. more recently, tea though :) 
37. Wish you were still young? ex-CUSE me? are you implying that i, a fresh, young, glowing 14 year old are OLD?!?!?! the audacity! but youngER? sometimes. i miss being little :(

38. Do you want to get married? um, YEA. but like, later. when im done being 14 and 15 and 16 and 17 and 18 and 19 and MAYBE 20.
39. When was the last time you cried? um, i hada close call today but i think....wednesday.
40. What is under your bed? well I just cleaned my room and moved my furniture around. so a bin of books and my electric piano :) wonder how long that'll last.... 
41. What did you do last night? watched my brothers, friends, hockey game and then me and my dad drove around town for a few hours. :) good times.

42. What are you afraid of? nothing at'all darling :) Jesus is my best friend and i have my own personal guardian angel. What is there to be afraid of? although i WILL admit that spiders in the shower STARTLE me. startle. not scare.
43. Salty or sweet? Both :)

44. Best quality you have? well i like my long silken hair ;D but i like my eyes.
45. How many years at your current job? 10 :P school.
46. Favorite day of the week? friday night can be fun....sunday :) i love sunday. 
47. Favorite movie? Captain America and anything action-y :)
48. Have you ever had a crush on anyone?pfft! yea! who hasnt?
49. Do you like reading your friends answers for this? Um, yea...even tho im the first one to do it :)

okeydokes bubbletarts! thats all for now! TO BE CONTINUED....


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