Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Helloooo everyone :)

well im posting again! its time to catch up on all the blogging i havent been doing :) so, hi! is anyone else excited for thanksgiving dinner? my family is having ours at 5 and i have only eaten an orange and a small cup of juice. ALL DAY. so needless to say, im starving. and im sure by the time ive finnished dinner, i will have gained lik, 5 pounds and ill have to run all the way home to burn it all off :P {then again, im sure many people will be in the same situation}

okay, so im rlly bored right now. i wish i had a friend to call and go rent a crazy good sci-fi action movie. dude! realization! tomorrow i dont have school :) ohyea. so maybe i WILL get a wicked good movie and watch it with someone. i still havent seen Tremors and ive wanted to ALL SUMMER. so maybe ill get that :)

anyways, ima go now and leave you with some fall-like pics :) happy eating!

{luv this one....}

okay, and im sorry but i couldnt resist....

And, just because Thanksgiving wouldnt be complete without thanksgiving cupcakes...

Okay lovelys :) thats all for now! Ohmy i can SMELL cupcakes now... *sighs* well ill talk to y'all later! but pleeze-oh-PLEEZE do something for me. If yur reading my blog and you live in Yellowknife, go to the poll thingy i put up on the right-hand side of the screen and answer it. And if youre reading my blog from anywhere else, comment! please? i love making new friends and id love to be friends with you! besides that it means SO much to me that youre taking the time to read my random ramblings :) so talk to you soon? everyone? :) sounds like a plan! bye cupcakes!


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