Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Heeeeyy :) mid-week par-tay!!!!

HAH. dont i wish. its tuesday & i wanna go sumwhere and DO sumthing but i lik, just finished mai homework & now im sitting @ pattis house, listening to KJ 52. this song actually....

Ya :) its just that cool. And now i rreeeeaaalllyyy wanna do sumthin :P grawr. maybe tomorrow :((((( i HOPE. okay ima hav a little random typing spree here cuz im lk, legitimatly hyper active rite now and extremely restless, and i dont kno wat else to do...so here goes :)

nbskjnbldnbdln hellooooo there bubblepeople how are yall doin im bored and tired and my head hurts and i dont rlly kno wat else 2 write right now except i  rlly want fries, mountain dew & coffee right now. GOSH. THANK you KJ 52.... i REALLY needed this little craving spree tonight. uh-huh shure did and-OMIGOSH ITS A RAINBOW BUTTERLAPTOP WITH A HAPPY SQUIRELL EATING PANCAKES AND-shiinnnyyyy iphones and hapy hapy happy apple company and lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala and  avens kinda goin insane her so BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH COFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FKBANLBNDBD BLNBKF BSDG FL ASVLUEDFWGWHFHVBSEUIBFDV FD IBGDFGGNBB  DIDFUGB DFB DFB D BLFSJBFA LHLAVB  i has nuthin left 2 say except that im sorry y'all had 2 witness this and ya :) haha... haha.... haha....HA. HA.

phew. i think all the junk is outa my system now :) sorry bout that.....im bored....if u couldnt tell....so yea....ima just go now and meebee come back later 2 write a post u can actually understand :P sorry again....


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