Sunday, October 9, 2011

because im me...

hullo lovely bubblefish,

its time for a new feature! if ya havent guessed frum the title, its goona be called "Because im Me". i dont know how often i'll do it but i had the idea and i wanted to do it now before i forget :)

without further ado...

Because i'm me...

i will check every wardrobe i see, until i find narnia.

i will NOT stop sleeping with stuffed animals just because its considered "uncool" by some people.

i WILL watch guy-type action movies because i like them.

i WILL take walks in the pouring rain...

i will not be afraid to tell other people about my faith...

i will wear watever i darn want to, and if that means shorts and t-shirts then so be it! {note this was written summer of 11 when i was on a "comfort" kick}

{insert photo of girl in shorts and t-shirt here }

i will be me :)


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