Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Starting time... 1:39 pm (16 minutes left till next class! :D )
Mood... sleepy, bored.
Outside my window... well outside my SCHOOLS window there is cars and roads and cold o.O
I'm thinking... i wish exams were over already -.-
I'm currently reading... Just finnished 'Color me Lonely: Deep Blue by Melody Carlson and so nothing at the moment...
I'm listening to... Bow Chicka Bow Wow off the Red vs Blue season 9 soundtrack ;)
I'm wearing... my black tights & skirt, black silk tank top, & new grey blue & yellow sweater.
I'm looking forward to...  friday. 2 more days!
I'm hoping... i get to follow through with my plans to see patti today..
Yesterday, I...  did nothing. *pout *
I'm hungry for... nothin. could go for some coke though...of the cola variety wierdos -.-
The song stuck inside my head is... Bow chicka Bow wow
I love... sleep, friends, texting, my new ipod <3
I loathe... having tummy aches :(
This week, my goal is... cant tell ya! ;) 
Did I meet last week's goal?... idk... dont think i did this last week :P
Ending time... 1:52

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