Friday, September 2, 2011

long time no see!

Hey Bubbletarts,

im sorry :( i know i havent blogged forever but ive been back at my house (as you know) and  i could have done it on the ipad but im not allowed on it all the time and when i am i normally check my email. But...i bring tidings of great joy! for unto me, a laptop is bestowed! and it shall be called Kip and he shall save aven-kind from computerlessness xD

Okay but serriously, im typing on to me laptop :) and its name is Kip. For now. I might change that later :)

Alright. hmmm...what else is new with me...well im getting a Betta Fish! * clappity clap clap * and i think im getting it today, but im not totally sure yet. So yay fish! i just hope it doesnt die right away...but it wont! i shall be the caring, loving, fish taker-care-of :)

Anyways, yes. i have a laptop and now im getting a fish. i feel quite content. oh, except im starting high school on Tuesday -,- ohjoy.  im not like, super SCARED, but i wish i could fast-forward to the part where i know where all my classes are and im not just another little freshman. SIGH.

Okaaayy. Well i dont really have anything else to ramble about. I think im goona go and ask when we're getting the fish :) i wanna make sure we get one before they're all sold. And today is their first day on sale. So ta-ta for now!

blowing fish bubbles,


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