Saturday, September 3, 2011

Betta Fish :)

guesswat bubblys?

i got a betta fish!!! my very own fish! and would you believe me if i told you its my first fish ever? yup. in all my 14 years of living, i have finally gotten a fish :) and its soooo pretty. and his name is....


bahahhaha. jk XD i wanted to call him that but i decided it'll just be his nickname :) his real name is....


isnt that so cute? and i can call him Max too :) so yay Maximus! may you live a long and happy little fishy life :)

haha. anyways heres a couple pics of him { sorry they fail, i need a better camera }

:) theres my little Maximus. hes alot brighter in real life, this camera does NOT do him justice. anywhoo...ill try to get some better ones of him later :) for now, enjoy watcha got xD

well my fishy friends, thus concludes this post. just thought i'd tell y'all bout my new friend :)


-aven and maximus

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