Saturday, September 3, 2011

50TH POST!!!!!!!!

Hullo fellow friends and cupcake lovers,

welcome to Dancing in the Rain's 50th post!!!

yup, you read right! this is my 50th post on Dancing in the Rain! and, i am quite proud of myself for sticking to this blog. y'see normally i post like, twice and then i get distracted by some new hobby and forget all about my blog. This time, for some reason, i kept comeing back :) anyways enuf dramatic stuff. let the games begin! if you read this blog, no matter who you are or where you live, pleeze oh pleeze comment and tell me why. why do you read my blog? why are you stil reading it? what makes you come back? i mean it, pleeze comment. and follow me if you arent already :)

later bubbletarts!


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