Monday, September 5, 2011


hullo everyone,

guess what? i did something amazing today :) me and Dana actually. we ran, and i mean RAN. ALL THE WAY downtown. to the ledge. yup. all the way. and i sweated lik crazy and died a few times along the way but we did it! and then, after that, we collapsed by a trash can and i threw up. haha. i also had a mini breakdown. but all in all it made me a better person :) we might even do it again next weekend.

anyways, i have the great HIGH SCHOOL tomorrow and im getting nervous 4 the first time. yup. i admit it. the greatness of moi is kinda nervous about her first day of high school. ohwell :P i kno ill get used to it but my school is kinda huge and complex :P plus, i dont really KNOW anyone there. so thats an added bonus.

well im sure ill get used to it. still id appreciate prayer :) and now dearys, i must bid you goodnight cuz its gettin late and i needa be ready for tomorrow. *gulp * wish me luck as fresh meat!


Sunday, September 4, 2011

an evening stroll...

hullo cupcakes,

how are y'all? guess what? tonight, me and dana went for a walk together, and it was soooo pretty :) see, theres a storm rolling in and the sky was amazing and i just. ugh...i cant explain it :) so ill just show you...

{ see the rainbow bottom centre? no? look harder :) }

pretty clouds...

my feet xD.....

more amazing clouds....

flag by danas request...

swirly cloud... { its really the orangy color }

an ultra-cool sky pic...

the sky in a puddle :)

a 'nother sky pic...

dana walking on the sky ;)

danas other flag pic xD

we liked this one cuz it looks like the pink and blue clouds are hugging :)

and yes, more sky pics :)

anyways, now im sitting in my room looking outside where the sky is a dark, angry, turmoil. :) this is goona be a good one.

later bubbletarts!


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Betta Fish :)

guesswat bubblys?

i got a betta fish!!! my very own fish! and would you believe me if i told you its my first fish ever? yup. in all my 14 years of living, i have finally gotten a fish :) and its soooo pretty. and his name is....


bahahhaha. jk XD i wanted to call him that but i decided it'll just be his nickname :) his real name is....


isnt that so cute? and i can call him Max too :) so yay Maximus! may you live a long and happy little fishy life :)

haha. anyways heres a couple pics of him { sorry they fail, i need a better camera }

:) theres my little Maximus. hes alot brighter in real life, this camera does NOT do him justice. anywhoo...ill try to get some better ones of him later :) for now, enjoy watcha got xD

well my fishy friends, thus concludes this post. just thought i'd tell y'all bout my new friend :)


-aven and maximus

50TH POST!!!!!!!!

Hullo fellow friends and cupcake lovers,

welcome to Dancing in the Rain's 50th post!!!

yup, you read right! this is my 50th post on Dancing in the Rain! and, i am quite proud of myself for sticking to this blog. y'see normally i post like, twice and then i get distracted by some new hobby and forget all about my blog. This time, for some reason, i kept comeing back :) anyways enuf dramatic stuff. let the games begin! if you read this blog, no matter who you are or where you live, pleeze oh pleeze comment and tell me why. why do you read my blog? why are you stil reading it? what makes you come back? i mean it, pleeze comment. and follow me if you arent already :)

later bubbletarts!


Friday, September 2, 2011

long time no see!

Hey Bubbletarts,

im sorry :( i know i havent blogged forever but ive been back at my house (as you know) and  i could have done it on the ipad but im not allowed on it all the time and when i am i normally check my email. But...i bring tidings of great joy! for unto me, a laptop is bestowed! and it shall be called Kip and he shall save aven-kind from computerlessness xD

Okay but serriously, im typing on to me laptop :) and its name is Kip. For now. I might change that later :)

Alright. hmmm...what else is new with me...well im getting a Betta Fish! * clappity clap clap * and i think im getting it today, but im not totally sure yet. So yay fish! i just hope it doesnt die right away...but it wont! i shall be the caring, loving, fish taker-care-of :)

Anyways, yes. i have a laptop and now im getting a fish. i feel quite content. oh, except im starting high school on Tuesday -,- ohjoy.  im not like, super SCARED, but i wish i could fast-forward to the part where i know where all my classes are and im not just another little freshman. SIGH.

Okaaayy. Well i dont really have anything else to ramble about. I think im goona go and ask when we're getting the fish :) i wanna make sure we get one before they're all sold. And today is their first day on sale. So ta-ta for now!

blowing fish bubbles,
