Saturday, March 24, 2012

*sheepish grin...*

so...hey everyone :P

umm as you may have noticed i havent really been blogging much lately :/ sorry bout that. ive been super busy and kinda stressed bout some...well alot of stuff :P remember Patti? ive mentioned her many a time. well yea she just moved :( my best friend/sister is now in a land far far away. it makes me sad.

so yes, that is ONE of the reasons for my unexplained long absence. NOT that anyone asked or even cares cuz i dont think anyone really reads this :P

hmmm, other explinations you say? weeeellll we just got report cards :/ not my favourite all.

im fed up with winter, school, friends moving, getting up earlier for school, cold, non-summer, and my failing social life. im sure many teens would be able to relate to my vicious cycle of life. working hard in school means a failing social life. working hard in your social life means worse grades in school. pick your poison. would you rather grad with basically no friends? or fail high school and have a huge social life. lol jk. but im very envious of the people that somehow manage school, friends, online lives, extracurricular activities, family AND not being driven crazy by everything.

besides that, having so much stress is... stressfull xP i get so tired of always having SOMETHING to do and SOMEWHERE to be. and then when i get a break its bad because my mind goes crazy thinking of everything i need to do and...ugh -.-

i seriously think i could drive myself mad. if i havent already begun to o.O its like... theres so many millions of thoughts and things floating around in my head that i hate thinking. ill be in my room lying on my bed and trying to relax but all these taunting thoughts keep breaking into my peace-space. im SO glad im a Christian because i dont know how i would handle everything if i wasnt.

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. ok so im sorry this post is basically me venting. i really am. maybe tomorrow ill get around to posting something actually worth reading. honest. ill try anyways...

ok. so. yea. g'night. have a good one. dont let this pathetic late-night post discourage you from reading my blog. i promise its not always this lame.

alright im done rambling. time to go sleep. talk to all you lovelys later kay? nighty night.

i leave you with this lullaby....

Safe and Sound

and hugs. *hugs*

k really, goodnight ;)


1 comment:

  1. yoo, thanks for posting ;) ...
    how you feel mon,
    _this world needs more people who are honest with their feelings,
    -that .. blonde. ;)
