Saturday, March 24, 2012

she returns....

hey :)

so it would appear that i made it back to say a few words today! yay for aven ;D

anyways hello again :) this probably isnt goona b a super long post. just a lil blurb of randomness that i decided to grace you with. you're welcome.

bleh. im so sick of school. its i want it to be over and done and i want SUMMER. that is all. sunshine and early morning walks and all-nighters with friends and.. everything :/ winter is getting old. and cold. haha see what i did there? no? *awkward penguin moment*

well anyways yes. i had a good yet fairly average day. yea. went to one of my best friends b-day partys and it was pretty awesome ;D

ok well ummm im not really finding anything to say right now. so i guess ill just go text k byyeee.


ps sorry so lame xP

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