Friday, February 3, 2012


Whether I would call this morning good or bad so far, I dont actually know. I woke up at 6, which, if you know me, is extremely out of character. But I did! Then i went to wash my hair and then I got dressed and decided I would actually eat breakfast as I read my devotional. I had a cherry yoghurt. Read my devotional, and then fell promptly back asleep until about 7:50 when I decided to brush my teeth. I brushed them and then fell into bouts of excessive vomiting. Which tends to happen when I eat in the morning. So that was fun. My mom asked if I was ok to go to school & I said "no, but I have to" so I went. I was just in cosmetology for the first class cuz I just switched out of mechanics. Trololol. I kinda think it ironic that I switched from mechanics to cosmetology but hey, I'm quite unpredictable ;)

Anyways now it's lunch and im texting my bestie, the gorgeous Patricia :) I gotta go grab a gingerale. Talk to y'all lovelys later!


Ps: chech out mah BFF over @ she's amazing :)

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