Thursday, February 23, 2012

Just one of those days…

It's a sleepy day. I feel more like going home and curling up in a puddle of sunshine than I do going to my next class. Science. Easy and I don't mind what's we're doing now, (which happens to be molecular and ionic compounds), but I'm really tired :/

Last night I went to bed at 11 (as usual) but then I. Could. Not. Get. To. Sleep. I don't know how much later I was up but it must've been late cuz I am WIPED today.

Anyways, I also just made a life-altering decision that I'm getting apprehensive about. And I already went through all the pros and cons and decided i actually DO want to make said change, but, it would seem the butterflys in my stomach didn't get the memo. Sigh.

Im booorrreeeeddd. All my friends are busy or have other reasons they can't text so I'm just sitting here.... In class... Alone and bored :/ grr. It's days like these I REALLY wish I had friends at my school. Even A friend. Singular. Even though I go to an incredible school that is one of the best in Canada, being friendless at it kinda stinks.

Ok. I am refusing to have a pity party. I won't do it when I have a zillion other things in my life to be THANKFUL for. Like my Jesus :) and my friends and family. And my free country. And the right to go to church and worship God openly. And countless other things that I take for granted. So there. No party's of the pity variety ;)

Oh! Guess whaaat? I have a new nickname for my bunny :) he was doing his little performance of running and jumping when Iet him out yesterday, and then he jumps up on my lap/stomach depending on whether I'm sitting or lying down. Anyways he jumps up onto my stomach, and is kinda hunched over, panting, with his eyes really wide like they are when hes just been running around for awhile. So hes just sitting there for a second, all alert and cute, and I laughed and called him skitterish, except it cameout skittle-ish, so I giggled and told my mom his new name is little skittle. Or skittle ;) Ironically enough, he's black and there's not a spot of color on him but I suppose the name skittle is colorful enough itself. Just like his personality.

Anywaaaays sorry to rant about my rabbit :p if you ever met him you would realize why I'm do enamored. Moving oonnn…

Tomorrow is friday. Thank goodness. And then next Friday is the last day of school before march break. So double thank goodness. It would seem that all of a sudden I have a zillion things to do and places to be. Tiny bit of science hw tonight, Appointment for sumthing life-changing tomorrow, hopefully a sleepover tomorrow as well, babysitting Saturday, church Sunday, womans bible study monday ( i go with my mom to see my friend), pre-bible study bible study Tuesday, actual bible study Wednesday, and then two more days of school before a well-deserved march break. Wish me luck on holding out until then...

So yea. I'm a little busy bee :p better go now. Incidentally one of my friends just told me there's a basketball game I should come watch tonight. We'll see... Until next time! ;)

Dashing around town,


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