Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Why'd you only call me when you're lonely?

we are drunk on the idea of love.


i'm trying to forget the way your lips felt on mine but it's hard when i see you every day. i was thinking about hawaii this morning as i stepped into the shower and later you told me that in march you're going there. i hope you have a good time and i will miss you but i miss a lot of people and it's not like you'll miss me because we're nothing remember? just friends. it seems stupid even to me that i have to remember that every time my mind wanders and thinks of you because this evening while i was sitting on your couch you came up behind me and put your chin on my shoulder and called me baby. that's never happened before and i didn't even realize it had happened until later and now it takes every inch of self-control i posses to keep from thinking about it all the time. I need someone to slice me open and take out every piece of you and remove your name from my brain because you are like a disease running through my veins. I just want you to leave me alone because you hurt me but i want you closer and i don't think i know what i want i just know that you're lonely and i'm lonely and maybe we should be lonely together.


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