Sunday, July 31, 2011

A 'lil sumthin to get to know me by....

Hullo cupcakes :) enjoy the following...
Your Favourite:
Color? Blue, Purple, White, Green, Red, Rainbow! xD
Candy? Peanut m&m's, salt water taffy, gum, Choclit bars ;)
Main Dish? Lasagna, Perogies, Pizza, and Poutine xD bliss
Drink? Coffee, Candy Cane Tea, Ice Tea,
Veggie? Lettuce, Cucumber, Fresh Carrots (that im allergic to :(
Do You:
Talk on the phone everyday to someone who is not family? Not really...'cept for winter when i call my bestie most every day :)
Read your Bible everyday? I try. Really Hard. But not every day :( ....dang this is inspiring me to tho! ;)
Do lots of reading? pfft. nah. just oodles and oodles xD
See your grandparents everyday? Not every day, but a few times each week.
Bake a lot? Only on holidays when im in the mood :)
Clean your room everyday? totally. And i brush and floss 3 times a day! :P no way dude. Try every few centurys..
Have to say you're sorry to someone everyday? Not

A Certain Thing You Dislike Of Each Category:
Veggie? Brussel Sprouts, Mushrooms, other ones i cant think of @ the mo ;)
Color? um.....i like all colors :) 
Animal? anything poisinous...i dont like the idea of death by jellyfish :P
Drink? drawing a blank rite now :P

Go shopping? shopping? a foreign idea. There is NO stores where i live :P at least none worth going to...
Eat out? Subway, Quizno's, Mcdonalds, Dominoes, Dairy Queen, Arby's, Wendys, NEW YORK FRIES!!!!
Go visit? depends on who, and where?
Read a good book at? In my room, on the couch when no little ppl are around, or @ the beach.
What color is your room? Light Blue and Light Purple <3 (soon to have black accents)

Do You Have A:
Pet? Yup. My  precious bunny wabbit Peter  :)
Gift card at the moment? maybe one for wal-mart thats empty...
Sewing machine? Yes. Given to me by my Great-Grandma Eva. <3
Big mess under your bed? Yes. Stuff gets shoved under there if its bugging me on the floor xD
Pack of gum in your bag or purse? yessir. Dentyne spearmint. (emergency breath freshener!)
Computer in your room? in my dreams....
Have You Ever:
Been on a plane? Once with my mom when i was 3, and this past march break with my bestie for a snowboarding trip :)
Been out of state? urm...ive been outa territory xD Alberta, B.C, and Saskatchewan.
Been in a eighteen wheeler? not yet.
Been in a car accident? Nope, but when i was a baby we were almost in one.
Read about a hundred and fifty page book in about an hour? Yes. Defiantly.

More Random:
Do you share a room with anyone? Nope. Bein the only daughter in the family is good for sumthin!
Have you ever gone swimming in a pond? no....and i dont really plan on it either :P should i?
How old are you? almost 14!
What year were you born? 1997
Are you related to anyone important or famous? Not that i know of...
Have you ever met a vice president? nope.
Are you getting bored yet? haha. no i lik this kinda thing :P is that wierd?
A picture:

What are you thinking? I want this picture to come true for me someday...and i should get off my lazy bum rite now and go watch the movie me and my mum rented together.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Rain/Tear Drops

Well, now seemed like a good time to write my first post. Its raining outside right now. Real rain, not just drizzles. I love rain. I love how it smells. I love the sound of it. I love the sound of it rushing down a street, pattering on windows, and pounding on the roof of cars. The sound of rain is theraputic to the heart and soul. My heart could use a little therapy right now. My best friend moved last year. I miss her more than....well more than i thought i could miss anyone. I remember the last sleepover we had together. Her house that was right accross the street from mine, was packed. Boxes everywhere. It felt so...wrong. Her life packed away into a fleet of cardboard packages. I was barely holding in the tears. Her mom sat us down on the couch and switched the tv onto a popular music channel. Pulled out a camera and showed me pictures of their new house. By then i was barely holding back tears. Her mom left the room and we just sat there. Then  the song airplanes came on...

I didnt really cry then. I held it together as she let me pick out one of her sweaters. It was brown. One she'd worn countless times. I started to cry a little then. We hugged and then i wiped my eyes and put on a smile for her sake. It was painfull. But not as painfull as the day to come. A few days later she drove up to my house with her mom. It was evening and the Sun was golden as he hugged and cryed a little. I went inside after, miserable. My mom pulled me out a little later to walk to Tims. On our way, we walked past the hotel they were staying at that night. Wouldnt you know it they were outside. Me and her grinned, and then walked to Tims for a last treat together. Our moms joined us a little later. After about a half hour of bliss together, she had to go with her mom. We walked them to the hotel and said goodbye outside the lobby. No tears. We both insisted it was "not goodbye, just see you later". So we didnt cry. We hugged and then i watched her lean on her mom and walk out of sight. I didnt cry then. Not yet. Me and my mom started to walk home, but had gotten no farther then a few feet when i broke down. The torrent of tears and sorrow just erupted and everything around me blurred into a mass of colors. My mom had to guide me home. She tried to comfort me, she really did. But broken hearts are not easily comforted. I cryed myself to sleep that night. And you know what? i still cant listen to the song "Airplanes" without crying. We're still in touch. But its hard being so far away from each other. Its been a year. I want to visit her this summer, but its too expensive for me this year. We're going into high school this fall. On opposite sides of the country. I miss her lots. So much... and i dont think the ache of missing her will ever go away. She's changed. More popular now, into boys and brandnames. I dont blame her at all. People change. Im changing. I know im different then i was before. I just wish we could have changed together.